here comes the Telles Tribe hahahaha here comes the Telles Tribe hahahaha My younger sister is on a full ride scholarship with Marshall University so we are going to LV to watch her play. im off with my family and a bunch of family friends to go see my sister, Alianna, play softball in a tournament at UNLV (University of Las Vegas). This will be the first time we will be seeing her play college softball. should be exciting and it is really nice to be able to get to see her, doing what she loves.
The BurberryProrsumfashion show for Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2009 in Italy.Burberry is such a great brand. The colors for next Spirng/Summer season were too Fall colorish to us, but the bright mustard and soft powder blues really worked well. The dark olive green is a color you don’t expect to see at summertime, but they do make it airy. The grays had a soft touch to them. The hats you can do without. It might be a lil too hot for some of these pieces in the summer but who the fuck cares, a fashion statement is a fashion statement! Im so inspired by this look , i love it...
The womens wear usually is enjoyable but even this year i think its my fav...
This is my tribute to YSL (because everyone should have one hahaha) He was amazing and his creativity was astounding, but forever will the YSL brand be on the top of my list.
just a few things i have seen lately that i would DIE for haha:
CHECK IT OUT!...OH and you should buy a few things! haha
"What's the story behind Discrete Royalty? It started as a dream and now it's my life. The name exemplifies the unique lifestyle that each of us live but with one common ground. Great sense of personal style and self. A unique class of society; One who is rich in more ways than just paper that is Discrete Royalty"-Tevin: designer & Creator of DR.
So this past sunday marked 2 month anniversary with sergio. it feels like was longer that it actually has been, it must be the amazing connection we have & that i get the best feeling just knowing he is in my life. i can honestly (i put it on gwen stefani & no doubt) that this is the first time ive felt this way in a long time. it blows everything else right off the map! this is new, SO NEW!
We first went to Disneyland, which i love just like i did when i was kid.
Then after we drove to downtown LA only to find out we were spending the night at . So we went and bought two bottles of my favorite... . The rest of the details are private hahaha
The next morning we woke up, checked out of our room and walked around the fashion district browsing the fabric store (for some new inspiration). We then headed to ( Tiara Cafe @ the new mart in downtown LA) to have lunch. It was once again, sooo good. After that we headed to hollywood to the to watch . It was a great way to seal the amazing weekend we spent together. Hes amazing! <3